RapidApps | Accelerating Business Application Development | |||||
RapidApps technology consists of tools and APIs that provide a framework to generate web applications much faster than conventional development methodologies. Each component offers significant advantages over competitive components in the marketplace. Integrated together they provide us a fast and easy way to generate web applications for you.
Perhaps more important than the details of the component is our development philosophy. We believe
While these are simple "rules" that reduce the "friction" between components (and developers) none of the existing frameworks follow this philosophy. Java developers know how complex enterprise applications can be. Java frameworks are complex and the different components take significant code to integrate with each other. There are many friction points between different components of the common frameworks. Following our philosophy and eliminating these friction points pays huge dividends in development productivity. Using our framework we can develop applications up to an order of magnitude faster than conventional development. The resulting code is standard JavaEE code and can be costomized and maintained with any Java IDE.
RapidApps technology is focused on the server-side. We make no assumptions about the client-side (other than the standard http request and response protocol). This means any client side technology can be used with our server technology. If our customers want to maintain or change the presentation of the application with their favorite HTML/CSS tool, that is not a problem.
We use (what else?) a web application built with RapidApps, to build web applications. This tool helps us to quickly capture the user requirements and store them in the repository. As each "functional set" of interactions (forms, queries, tables and reports) are defined, the business objects and servlets are automatically generated to provide the required functionality.
In addition we have a number of tools for automating application development such as an HTML include processor which reduces the effort and improves the quality in generating the HTML pages.
RapidApps uses a proprietary interaction API that completely separates the browser and server code. No server side code in the browser code. No browser side code in the server code. Web designers can freely edit the browser code without having to step over server code and Java developers don't have to worry about any HTML/CSS in their server code.
Web designers and java developers meet at the meta-data.
PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder(PO_Number) ;
po.setCompany(companyName) ;
// ... add aditional PO information
po.save() ;
// to select the purchase order
PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder(PO_Number).select() ;
String companyName = po.getCompanyName() ;
Most SQL databases are supported (where JDBC connector is available).